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Researchers across our campus study molecular signaling and cellular communication in many different model systems.  Graduate students with an interest in signaling apply and enroll in individual WFU departments, but then participate in a range of seminars and graduate courses that span departments.   Additionally, interdepartmental seminars are listed on the Molecular Communication and Signaling home page.

Prospective graduate students identify faculty with compatible research interests, contact them, and apply to their departments.  The link for the graduate school application is found in the menu bar throughout this site. Links to graduate programs in the participating departments are listed at the end of this page. Applicants should also feel free to contact Dr. Gloria Muday for further information about molecular signaling activities on our campus.

Some of the Graduate Courses offered in the area of Molecular Communication and Signaling:

BIO716 Signal Transduction:  This two hour course explores major inter- and intra-cellular signaling pathways.  Topics range from receptors to signaling molecules to physiological responses. This course is largely based on the primary literature and students will read, critique, and present papers from the primary literature.  Gloria Muday, Biology Department.

BICM 706 Intracellular Signaling: Advanced study of the biochemical mechanisms involved in intracellular signaling of normal and malignant cells, including receptors,  second messengers, protein kinase cascades, gene expression, and oncogenes. Lectures and discussions provide in-depth coverage of each topic with emphasis on recent advances and current literature. Larry Daniel, Biochemistry Department

BIO705 Hormone Signaling:  This one hour course is an opportunity for students to present and discuss their own research in the area of hormone signaling. Gloria Muday, Biology Department

BIO775 Microscopy for the Biological Sciences: This four hour course is an introduction to the various types of light, confocal, and electron microscopy. Students learn technical and theoretical aspects of microscopy, methods of sample preparation, digital image acquisition and analysis, and the preparation of publication quality images. Anita McCauley, Biology Department

BIO702 Cell and Molecular Methods: This is a one hour seminar course in which students discuss and present research articles. Anita McCauley, Biology Department

BIO/CHM 370 Biochemistry: This three hour lecture course introduces the principles of biochemistry, with an emphasis on the experimental approaches that elucidated these principles. Major topics include structure, function, and biosynthesis of biological molecules, analysis of enzyme function and activity, bioenergetics, and regulation of metabolic pathways. Rebecca Alexander, Chemistry Department

BIO654 Vertebrate Endocrinology: This three hour lecture course that explores the evolution of hormones and endocrine glands, and the physiology of the main hormonal pathways of vertebrates. Hugo Lane, Biology Department

BIO672 Molecular Biology:  This four hour lecture and laboratory course provides an analysis of the molecular mechanisms by which stored information directs cellular development. Emphasis is on storage and transmission of genetic information, regulation of gene expression, and the role of these processes in development. The labs focus on modern techniques of recombinant DNA analysis. Brian Tague, Biology Department

CABI704 Cell Biology of Cancer. This three hour lecture course teaches students how to evaluate and communicate scientifically in the area of cell biology and cancer. This course uses current peer-reviewed journal articles to teach fundamental concepts and act as a medium for allowing the students to communicate ideas. Prepares the student to write a thesis proposal and practice defending this proposal. Scott Cramer, Cancer Biology.

HES650 Human Physiology: This three hour lecture course presents the basic principles and concepts of the function of selected systems of the human body, with emphasis on the muscular, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and nervous systems. Michael Berry and Peter Brubaker, Health and Exercise Sciences

HES651 Nutrition in Health and Disease: This three hour lecture and laboratory course presents the principles of nutrition and the influence of genetics, eating behavior, and activity patterns on energy balance and weight control. Gary Miller, Health and Exercise Science

NBAT710 Cell Biology:  An interdisciplinary course focused on historical and current concepts relating to theoretical issues and experimental approaches to the study of cells. The cell surface, nucleus, and cellular organelles are presented in relation to membrane turnover, cell division, cellular growth, and energetics, as well as cell motility and regulation. Mike Tytell, Neurobiology Department.

NBAT742 Sensory Neuroscience. This six hour course emphasizes the somatosensory system and the chemical senses of taste and olfaction. Topics covered include receptors and and signal transduction;  Separate lab exercises present techniques used in the study of these sytems. John McHaffie, Neurobiology Department.

NEU600 Neuroscience Seminar: This three hour seminar course focuses on current neuroscience topics.  This seminar combines readings from the primary literature with research presentations from faculty from the medical and Reynolda campuses of WFU. Wayne Silver, Biology Department

PHY661 Biophysics Seminar: This one hour seminar course focuses on seminal and current publications in the area of biophysics and provides opportunities for students to analyze and present an analysis of these papers.  Jed Macosko, Physics Department.

PHY620, Physics of Biological Macromolecules The three hour course covers the physics of proteins. Topics include the physical basis of protein structure, the energetics and statistical mechanics of protein dynamics, protein folding, allostery and computational modeling of proteins. Reading include selections from the recent literature. Fred Salsbury, Physics Department

Graduate Program Links



Computational Biosciences

Computer Science

Health and Excercise Science


Molecular and Cellular Biosciences comprised of the following programs:



Structural and Computational Biophysics